To support compassion for people experiencing mental ill health - the Illustrated Social Worker

Hey all.
I was asked to make this to support compassion for people experiencing mental ill health. Interested to see how people would use resources in practice from this angle and if there is a need for more like this. (if so, what would you like to see?)

would love feedback and/or suggestions

Clinical Depression

I do sell my work - but im also happy for it to be shared freely (for no financial gain)

open to more ideas and constructive feedback

would people be interested in more inforgraphic style stats around mental health?

find my stuff at:

FASD - fatal alcohol spectrum disorder

Feel free to use and share in practise with credit.

Physiology of grief

Panic attacks

Feel free to use in practice, with clients & share anong your networks.

soo much more that could have been added but its also so overfilled with words compared to my usual stuff.
feel free to save the photo and use in practice.

Suicidal ideation

Really hard to reduce this one.. there is just so much more…

Hope it is of some value for practice.

❤️ the Illustrated Social Worker


feel free to save pic and use in practice

 the Illustrated Social Worker


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