Neuro Tribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity (2016) - update
18. 12. 2020
Steve Silberman, raziskuje zgodovino avtizma in kako je to oblikovalo naše razumevanje avtizma danes. Knjiga je namenjena vsem, ki jih zanima, kako so avtizem razumeli skozi stoletja, in je koristna za strokovnjake, starše/skrbnike ali odrasle z avtizmom.
Today we join in mourning the passing of a very great Ally, Steve Silberman, Journalist, Editor, Counterculturist, Herald, (Grateful) Deadhead, Valued Member of Autism Inclusivity, Foreteller of Collective Experiences, and celebrated award-winning Author of Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity (2016).
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